Monday, March 4, 2013

Are you hatin' or what?

Chiiiink!, black!, ratchet!, are some of the common words that I hear everyday. Questions like "do you really eat dogs?" or "where did you learn to your English?" are some of the most frequent questions I receive from people who are trying to know more about me. Well, I can't blame them for being curious but some of this words or questions are pretty disturbing because they occur frequently from time to time and i don't know how to classify them.

 As I take my course in college which is English 115 I accidentally stumbled to the answer to my question. I learned about microaggresions, it is an indirect attack to a person's ethnicity or race that is caused by curiosity of another. There are many kinds of microaggression but to narrow it down, I would say there are two types. The first one is "conscious" where a person is trying to insult a person because of his bad mentality of that person's race or ethnicity like when Manny Pacquiao wins against a Mexican boxer, some boxing enthusiast that seems to notice that I am Filipino start a conversation with their friends saying "Filipinos get their strength by eating dog meat!" and I know they are trying to make me hear it. The more common one is "unconcious" which is most of the time sparked by curiosity this are the questions I find "disturbing" before because I don't know how to react when I come across with one like "did you come here to be a part of the navy?". Learning Microaggression really broaden my understanding of other people especially when they ask me questions about my race. I also learned to double check the question in my mind that I'm about to ask to other people before asking because they may take it differently than what I really meant. Discussing microaggression thought me how to deal with those people who tries to get on my nerves because they are immature, I don't take those people seriously anymore because in the end its not what they say that can hurt you, its always how you deal with what they say.

 I definitely recommend learning microaggression or simply learn why people do it. I definitely recommend taking a course that can go across this topic or simply reading some articles about microaggression. Learning this topic will make you a more well-rounded when it comes to this issue which will save you time and stress.

1 comment:

  1. Aye kenneth! I like the picture you put because it's totally related to your topic. If you know what I mean. Well, if you find a video that related to this topic that would be great.
